
The First Deployment is History!

Chazak Rescue


November 23, 2021

October found our cadet teams on their second deployment: half the team in Uganda, the other half in Greece. They reported a challenging, stretching, and fulfilling time.


Five cadets made up the team in Greece. While there, they worked mostly in a refugee camp under i58 while also completing several projects outside of camp.

Inside the refugee camp, the cadets served refugees from 35 different nationalities. They engaged in work like handing out passport tickets, cleaning, and sorting donated items. They also spent time simply building relationships with refugees. Via those relationships, the Gospel was shared with several people.

An interesting but difficult point of this deployment was a trip outside of camp to a Roman gypsy village. Here, the team was able to interact with children who came from loveless homes. After a quick hello, it was obvious the children were thirsty for attention and love. Goodbyes were no easy feat.


Four cadets created the team serving in Uganda under Love and Care for All. Their time was largely spent building relationships through playing soccer and hanging out with street children at a mission home.

On one occasion, the team had the opportunity to butcher a goat and have a birthday celebration with the children using homemade pinatas. A highlight of the trip was, in the midst of a country steeped in witchcraft, to join the worship services each morning with the children.

What’s Happening Now

Currently, the cadets are stateside for segment 1.3 of training, known as Alpha Training.

This is a six-week training in a Bible College format that focuses on the inner man. Throughout this training, a foundational framework is being laid for future experiences.

Prayer Requests

Pray for the cadets as they immerse themselves in schoolwork. Specifically, pray the cadets would:

  • know how to manage their time well
  • be able to retain what they are learning
  • know how to handle stress levels resulting from intense training and schoolwork

What the Cadets are Saying

“I love having a group of guys that push me, encourage me, and give input into my life. It has been such a blessing to have guys that really have my back.”
-Trent King

And that’s a wrap for this month!

As always, thanks for being here and joining with us as together, we work to finish the ultimate mission.

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