
1.4 Training is Underway!

Chazak Rescue


February 25, 2022

1.4 training is currently underway! Phase 1.4 consists of both home study and group training for the cadets.

Home study is included in an effort to help each individual stay in contact with their home community and church. As individuals, we can make a big difference in the international setting. However, we can make an even bigger difference when we have the connections and support of the people around us.

a night in winter training

Here are a few of the trainings happening during 1.4.

Group Training

January 31 — February 10 | Wilderness First Responder

On the heels of the winter wilderness and survival training in January comes a course in wilderness medicine. This is the cadet’s first course in wilderness medicine.

March 7–12 | Wayumi Course

This is a course focused on cross-cultural missions. The course is an introduction on how to teach the Bible chronologically to people unfamiliar with the Gospel.

March 22–25 |Land Navigation

Land Navigation focuses on learning how to navigate unfamiliar territory using maps and a compass. The cadets will camp at the training site.

April 3–9, | FUNSAR/SARTECH II & PHTLS-FR (Fundamentals of SAR with SAR Technician Level II)

This presents the fundamentals of search and rescue training, as well as training for Prehospital Trauma Life Support for First Responders. This is an in-person training and includes the second level of certification testing for cadets. The cadets will also be camping on-site during the training to mirror an actual search and rescue mission.

Home Study

Home study courses are running through all six months of 1.4 training.

As part of home study, the Cadets are completing the Perspectives Course. It’s a 15-week course that teaches four different perspectives of missions, each of which are aspects of God’s global purpose.

Another very practical thing the cadets are doing is getting all their driving requirements done. This includes learning how to drive a stick shift, getting their motorcycle license, learning to ride off-road on a motorcycle, and getting their international driver’s license.

In addition to this, they are also reading selected books and writing accompanying book reports as part of an English Composition class.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for good health for both the cadets and the staff. Several of us are suffering from physical injuries and sickness. Pray for healing for these ailments.
  • Pray for spiritual protection for staff and students
  • Pray for good communication
  • Pray God would bring the right people to the team. We have a few key positions that need to be filled
  • Pray for wisdom for the many decisions that need to be made

What the Cadets are saying

“These experiences taught me that behind every face there is a story and a real, beautiful person that has something to offer the world.” -Jaden Esh
Winter wilderness training in the North.

Application Deadline!

We are accepting applications for the next class of cadets! The deadline to apply is March 1, 2022. And yes, we accept applications from both men and women who are interested in becoming fully equipped as international first responders to serve the Kingdom of God. Apply today at

1.4 Training is Underway! was originally published in Chazak Rescue on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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